Dr. Boben Thomas, Medical Oncologist, Trivandrum

Dr. Boben Thomas 10A Cordial Casilda, Kochulloor, Trivandrum, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695011, IN
Dr. Boben Thomas 10A Cordial Casilda, Kochulloor, Trivandrum Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695011 IN

Dr. Boben Thomas is a cancer specialist in Trivandrum Kerala with 15 years of experience in Oncology. He started his career at AIMS Kochi followed by TMH mumbai and KIMS cancer center Trivandrum. He is currently working at Carithas Cancer Institute Kottayam and have established medical oncology depatment and a daycare centre on the area of G.G Hospital Trivandrum. He have a special interest in Pediatric Oncology, Hemato Oncology. He was instrumental in establishing the first Medical oncology, Hemato oncology, Pediatric oncology and Stem cell therapy in private sector in south Kerala. Also, he got a special training in ImmunoTherapy and currently administring immunotherapy in his day care centre.

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