Ahimsa Ayurveda Treatment Center, Kottayam

Kollam-Theni Highway, Changanassery, Kerala 686101, IN
Kollam-Theni Highway Changanassery Kerala 686101 IN

At Ahimsa we offer our guests Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatments tailored to each one’s unique constitution (Prakruti) and imbalances (doshas or Vikruti), administered by our a unique Practitioner Unnikrishnan Gurukkal, who was handpicked by by me after over several years of research, personal treatments and observation. He is a Kalari Master (Ancient Kerala Martial Arts) who practices Ayurveda/Panchakarma based in Marma Chikitsa and Traditional Ayurveda.

Ahimsa-Ayurveda.jpg 5 years ago
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