Honeymoon Packages in Kerala, Cochin

Honeymoon Packages in Kerala helps you to find out the best honeymoon and holiday packages in Kerala. We offer different holiday and honeymoon packages, houseboating, rejuvenation packages, Ayurvedic/Yoga/massage centers to suit your budget. Customer satisfaction is one of our mottos because we value your time and money.

The head office is located at Panampilly Nagar, Ernakulam District, Kerala,India. Mr.Roosevelt is the executive director of Honeymoon Packages in Kerala, has over 12 years of experience in hospitality industry and served the leading hotels in India and UAE.

  Honeymoon Packages in Kerala has got marketing tieups with  Minarde Lake and Casa Del Fauno groups and  looking forward for strategic tie-ups with few more groups in the future with the view of offering better value for money to its customers.

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