Pankajakasthuri Ayurveda Medical College and Multi Specialty Hospital, Trivandrum
PANKAJAKASTHURI Ayurveda Medical College is the first self financing Ayurveda Medical College in Kerala located at Killy Nr. Kattakkada Trivandrum started in the year 2002 under the leadership of Padmasree Dr. J. Hareendran Nair Managing Director, Pankajakasthuri Herbals India Ltd.-manufacturer of Patented Ayurvedic Medicines which were the first and the only group in the state to achieve the standards of ISO 9002 certification. Now this group has emerged as one of the leading medical services (Ayurvedic & Modern Medicine) providers in India with global outreach.
All the departments of Ayurveda Medical College are fully functioning according to the norms of the Central Council of Indian Medicines (CCIM) ; with the state-of-the-art infrastructure and highly professional and qualified teaching faculty. Various departments under efficient doctors conduct Out Patient consultancy on all days from 8:30am to 4:15 pm. Major departments are –
Kayachikitsa (General Medicine), Shalya Tantra (Orthoapedics), Shalakya Tantra (ENT), Prasuti Tantra & Striroga (Gynecology & Obstetrics), Kaumarabhrithya (Pediatrics), Agada Tantra (toxicology), Surgery (by allopathic doctors), Swasthavritta + yoga, Soumanasya (Psychiatry). In addition to the above, traditional panchakarma theaters with qualified and experienced therapists, pharmacy etc.
Later our spectrum of services expanded to Modern Medicine Wing with a view to get quality and safe patient care to the common man with a full-fledged facility including the service of -OP & IP in Gynecology & Obstetric, Pediatrics, General Medicine, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Cardiology (Sr. Consultants/Surgeons) 24 Hrs Emergency Accident Trauma Casualty, Major and Minor Operation Theaters, Labour rooms , Surgical Medical ICU, Post Operative ICU, Radiology, Automated Laboratory and so on.
Hospital have multi type rooms such as Deluxe Rooms, A/c & Non A/c pay wards, cabins & General wards.
For more details pls. visit to the following link
For Pankajkasthuri Hospital and Medical College
For Pankajakasthuri Herbals India (P) Ltd.
Tel: +91-471-2295919, 920, Mob: 8547802091