Farewell Funerals, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta

Church Road, Kozhencherry, Kerala 689641, IN
Church Road Kozhencherry Kerala 689641 IN

When someone you love has unexpectedly passed away, organizing a funeral can be an intensely traumatic event where families are frequently left to coordinate the procedure in a short time while coping concurrently with the sorrow and loss that happens at such a stressful time.
Our goal is to provide the family with compassionate care, and respect to the deceased, but not in the form of merely sympathy.
We know how difficult it is to research funeral and burial options, process information, and make decisions while you are mourning.. Family and friends can provide comfort and encouragement, but oftentimes they also contribute to the burden of making decisions.
You can find yourself unable to make funeral plans on your own if family members are out of town or unavailable.
Our services range from Home Kit, Mortuary Kit, Flower Arrangements, Wreaths, Coffin, Cemetery Arrangements, Ambulance, Mobile Mortuary, Pandhal/Tents, Photo frames, Black Flags, Posters, Backup Generator, Choir, Photo/Video, Live Webcasting, Paper Ad, Security Personnel.
We @ Farewell Funerals offer flexible pricing for our services based on the specific planning services you need.
We are available through on Phone & Whatsapp @ +91 9846116300 or Email – farewellfuneralsindia@gmail.com
Please feel free to contact us for any funeral related services you may need.

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