Headz Hair Fixing, Koyilandy, Kozhikode

Headz Hair fixing offers non surgical, permanent and natural hair fixing without any side effects. We offer Advanced Silicon Bio Bonding, Hair Weaving, Hair Clipping/Patching and Hair Extensions.
Headz hair fixing method is free from all kinds of side effects as it fixes synthetic / Natural hairs to the scalp and look original. After the process customers and even swim, travel in open vehicle and do any type of work. Surgery is not required and procedure is free from allergic complaints and does not involve hair transplantation. People from 15 to 80 years of age group are approaching Headz for their treatment. Peoples are interested in this method because it does not affect their daily routine. Customer has spend only two hours for the whole process.
We have proud to having served more than 50,000 happy customers with 24 branches in India and Malaysia, with presence in 19 cities in India and Dubai.