FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) what is Business-kerala.com?

Business-kerala.com is an online KERALA business directory that assists you discover companies, businesses from small to medium sized and large, suppliers of products and services in your local area, weather opening day or night. Business-kerala.com unlike the most search engines, Business-kerala.com gives you relevant, appropriate results and because we stay in touch with local businesses all over in KERALA, our information and data is up-to-date and relevant. The business listings in Business-kerala.com offers you with extra than just a business name and address, you can add your business information with many features facilities, maps, opening times, directions, website links, photos, keyword tags(services), whole description what your company do and special offers.

What kind of information can I get on Business-kerala.com?

The business listings on Business-kerala.com offers you by means of more than just a business name with basic information. It provides you many features such as description of whole business services, maps, social media links and pages, services tags, pictures and images and much more. Adding your business information will be indexed in Google search engine results pages and you can get many clicks from users who are searching your business field.

How to add my business/company listing?

There are few steps you have to follow in order to add your business/company listing. It is totally free of cost. These basic steps are as following. You first need to register by means of our registration procedure to create a new account. If you have already made an account then now login with your username and password. Once you logged in, go to my profile page. Then add your company details and save it. After that you can see your company listing individual page by clicking “View Profile”. Before adding your company detail it’s better to search the company first, if your company is already in our directory,  you can simply claim it by sending us email and details of yourself by using our contact us page. We will send you login and password to modify and too manage the listing. After adding your company into our system, your listing status will be located under review and our team will review it under 24 hours and if meets our listing policies you will get and receive an approval email to your mail inbox.

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